Monday, March 10, 2008

Home Business Idea For Moms - If You're Looking for A Home Business Idea For Moms, Read This

By: Jenn Lawlor

Your looking for a home business idea for moms....

I'm so glad you're here.

Being a mom myself, I know what it feels like to type into Google "home business idea for moms" means you're REALLY looking. You want something you don't have.

Maybe you're desperate to stay home with your little one(s) or you're tired of spending your time working for somebody else, or you're just plain and simple tired of living on too little income and you want something better for yourself and your family.

Well, if you've done any looking so far, you've likely come across all sorts of "get rich quick" opportunities and some look good some don't. But how do you know what's right for you? I know you don't want to waste your time or precious money on something that's not going to get you where you want to be.

I'm going to show you why most home business ideas for moms are NOT good options for 97% of moms, and how TO find a good opportunity.

Most opportunities to work from home fall into two categories:

1. jobs that pay you by the hour to do (often) boring work from home, like uploading photos to the web or typing, etc.

2. network marketing/mlm opportunities that promise full training and support, the promise of 'getting rich' and then when the rubber hits the road they don't live up to your expectations.

But the reason I'm writing this article is not to leave you depressed and without hope. Look, I'm a mom myself who is growing two highly successful businesses online in the network marketing industry. You can too!

I am here to EDUCATE you so you can look critically at different opportunities that you come across.

First step is to determine whether you're looking for the stability of a job, or the extra risk and freedom that a home based business can provide. Be honest with yourself. If you're happy making $10-20/hour stuffing envelopes or uploading pictures to the net...then don't bother with the home business arena. Stick with what will make you most happy. And if it's a work from home JOB, then go for it. There's lot of opportunities for you to look at.

My suggestion when you've found something that looks appealing is to get onto some work-at-home mom forums (search through Yahoo Groups to find them) and post asking for other moms experiences with the company. Then you can find out the "insiders" experience before you dive in.

If you're looking to build a business from home that will bring you HUGE cash returns and you're willing to invest a little money and a LOT of dedicated effort in building yourself as an entrepreneur, I want you to know that it's completely possible. I'm doing it right now, but there are a few things you need to know.

To be an entrepreneur, you need to have:

1. The mindset that KNOWS you will succeed- you just need the guidance and support to get you where you want to be.

2. The dedication to actually DOING what it takes to succeed - learning from others, constantly growing as a person, and taking ACTION.

3. money to invest in a decent opportunity that will bring you the rewards you are looking for.

Now, if you're happy with a couple hundred extra each month, then you will look for a low-cost entrance to the network marketing industry. You can successfully do this by finding a mentor that has the time and the skills to show you how to do this. There's many out there, but you'll need to do your research to find them...

Take that to heart, friend. It is AS IMPORTANT that you find a mentor with the skills and time to show you how to succeed as it is to find a product or business to support. I might even go as far as to say...MORE IMPORTANT

On the other hand, if you're a serious entrepreneur who wants to be putting several thousand or multiple five figures in your bank account each month...

I suggest you DON'T look at traditional network marketing. It's just too difficult to do that in the short term.

Look, there's already 97% failure rate in the network marketing industry. It's HUGE!

You don't want to become part of that 97%.

And the quickest, easiest way to keep yourself in the top 3% in the home business arena is to plan on investing anywhere from $3000-5000 in a business and to partner up with a team of marketers who have the skills and TIME to show you exactly how you can start earning a significant income from home...from the get-go.

There's a whole lot more I want to tell you here....but I need to keep this article short.

I provide a whole lot of information about what I'm doing and how I'm helping other women entrepreneurs all over the net, so if you're interested in learning more, you won't have a hard time finding me.

I wish you the very best and look forward to watching women entrepreneurs step up and take a stand in this male dominated online network marketing world!

About the Author: Jenn Lawlor is a online marketing coach. She shows network marketers how to grow successful businesses online using the latest in cutting edge technologies.

Find out more about Jenn's latest business or take a look at her training videos on youTube:

Article Source:

Earn Money
Earn Money

1 comment:

Christine @ Serenity How? said...

Love your fresh new look. Very nice job! :-)